Riveria in a nutshell
Riveria is one of the largest vocational education and training (VET) providers in Finland.
Riveria organises vocational education and training in basic (upper secondary), further, and specialist qualifications, also liberal adult, and summer university education. Riveria’s operation covers the entire region of North Karelia formed by the 12 municipalities, the owners of Riveria. The training centres are located to Joensuu (the capital of North Karelia), Kitee, Lieksa, Nurmes, Outokumpu and Valtimo. Annually Riveria has around 15 000 students and about 740 staff. Riveria wants to provide students the possibilities to participate to international projects and to complete a part of their professional training in foreign companies.
Riveria also hosts many foreign students per year. Foreign students are welcome to take part in the full qualification programmes, complete certain modules or have professional training in local companies under the guidance and supervision of Riveria’s teachers.
Riveria’s teachers and other staff members take part in exchange programmes and other partnership projects.
For groups of education professionals from other countries, Riveria can organise
- tailor-made diverse study visit
- educational camps including special training programmes
- workshops and seminars in collaboration with other local education providers
- Riveria can also assist educational organizations in improving their systems by offering development services (EduSolutions)

The North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Riveria, does not accept paper invoices.Please note that an invoice attached to an email is not an e-invoice. Our business ID is 0212371-7.
Alternative invoice delivery methods:
You can send a purchase invoice electronically via the free Basware Supplier Portal without your own separate invoicing software. Invoices created in the Supplier Portal are immediately visible in our system. You can log in to the Supplier Portal using your own email address.
Go to the Portal at https://portal.basware.com/open/pkkyportaali
More information is provided on Basware’s info page at https://portal.basware.com/info/spmigration?lang=en-GB
E-invoice operator: Ropo Capital Oy
Operator ID: 003714377140
EDI code: 003702123717
All invoices must be addressed to the North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Riveria.
Riveria’s contact person must be mentioned as reference information.
Additional information: talous@riveria.fi